Glossary D

Deep-structure ambiguity is a form of ambiguity in which a sentence may be derived from two (2) different deep structures.
Default value refers to the value of a parameter that a child is hypothesized to be born with.

Deutsch: Defätistisch / Español: Derrotista / Português: Derrotista / Français: Défaitiste / Italiano: Defeatista /

Defeatist is a term used in psychology to describe a mindset or attitude characterized by a belief in the inevitability of failure or a lack of confidence in one's ability to overcome challenges. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the meaning of defeatist in the psychological context, provide numerous examples, discuss potential risks associated with this mindset, and offer recommendations for addressing and overcoming defeatist thinking. We will also touch upon historical and legal aspects where applicable. The article concludes with examples of sentences demonstrating the usage of "defeatist" in various grammatical forms and lists related terms within the field of psychology.

Defecation is the act of eliminating feces from the body. In psychology, defecation is often used as a metaphor for the elimination of negative thoughts or emotions.

- Defective response inhibition : Defective response inhibition is defined as the act of inappropriately, displaying a motor response when it is unwanted.
Defectiveness refers to the belief that you are flawed, damaged or unlovable, and you will thereby be rejected.

Defence Mechanisms refer to strategies used by the ego to protect itself from threatening thoughts and feelings, especially anxiety created by the Id; strategies the ego uses to disguise or transform unconscious wishes.

defense mechanism refers to the common pattern of behavior, often an adaptive coping style when it occurs in moderation, observed in response to a particular situation. Psychoanalytic theory suggests that defense mechanisms are unconscious processes originating in the ego.