Glossary E
Glossary E
Existentialism is a broad philosophical, psychological, and literary movement that focuses on the authenticity, freedom, responsibility, and choice of the individual confronted with the threat of meaninglessness and non-existence.
In the psychology context, an existentialist perspective focuses on the study and understanding of human existence, emphasizing individual freedom, choice, and responsibility. Rooted in existential philosophy, existential psychology explores the intrinsic aspects of the human condition, including the search for meaning, the confrontation with existential angst or dread, and the challenge of facing life's inherent uncertainties and the inevitability of death.
Deutsch: Exosystem / Español: Exosistema / Português: Exossistema / Français: Exosystème / Italiano: Esosistema /
Exosystem is defined as a social settings that a person may not experience first-hand but that still influence development ; social systems that children and adolescents do not directly experience but that may nonetheless influence their development.