Glossary E
Glossary E
Extinction refers to the gradual disappearance of a behaviour after it is not followed by a reinforcer.
Extinction burst refers to a temporary increase in the frequency and intensity of responding when Extinction is first implemented.
- Extinction method : Extinction method refers to a method of measuring forgetting by comparing the rate of extinction after a retention interval with the rate of extinction immediately after training.
Extracellular thirst is defined as thirst caused by a reduction in the volume of fluids found between body cells.
Extradyadic sex means having sex with someone other than one’s regular relationship partner, such as a spouse or boy/girlfriend
Extrafamilial influences refer to social agencies other than the family that influence a child’s or an adolescent’s cognitive, social, and emotional development
Extraneous variable refers to any variable that exists within a study other than the variables being studied. In an experiment, Extraneous variable is any variable other than the independent and dependent variables. Extraneous variables are potential sources of error in the experiment that should be controlled; they encompass everything in the experiment except the independent and dependent variables