Glossary F

Feather in the psychology context symbolizes the concept of lightness, freedom, and the shedding of emotional burdens. It is often used metaphorically to describe the feeling of emotional release, unburdening, or a sense of relief in the realm of psychology and human emotions.

Featural analysis refers to a model of perception emphasizing the analysis of a stimulus into parts, called features.

Deutsch: Merkmal / Español: Característica / Português: Característica / Français: Caractéristique / Italiano: Caratteristica /

Feature is defined as a component, or part, of an object, event, or representation.

- Feature comparison model of semantic memory : Feature comparison model of semantic memory refers to a model of Semantic memory which posits that words or concepts are mentally represented in terms of a set of elements called features.

Feature detector refers to neuron whose responses indicate the presence of a particular feature. Feature detectors are a neuron that responds selectively to a specific feature of the stimulus.

Feature level is defined as a level of written language perception in which a visual stimulus is represented in terms of the physical features that comprise a letter of the alphabet, such as a vertical line, a curved line, and so on.

Feature search means simply scanning the environment for a particular feature or features; a visual search task in which a person can find a target by searching for only one feature. An example would be looking for a horizontal green line among vertical green lines.

Feature-integration theory that which explains the relative ease of conducting feature searches and the relative difficulty of conducting conjunction searches.