Glossary H

Heuristics is defined as informal, intuitive, speculative strategies that sometimes lead to an effective solution and sometimes do not; mental shortcuts that provide quick estimates about the likelihood of uncertain events

Hibernation is defined as the state in which some animals spend the winter, with extremely low temperatures and metabolic rates. During this state, the brain shows no activity.

Hibernation reaction refers to a Mood disorder involving a cycling of episodes corresponding to the seasons of the year, typically with depression occurring during the winter. Hibernation reaction is another name for Seasonal affective disorder (SAD ), Winter blues, Winter depression or Cabin fever

Hidden observer refers to a detached part of the hypnotized person's awareness that silently observes events.

Hidden observer phenomenon refers to an Affect in which the experiences of a part of the hypnotized person's mind differ from those of the rest of his/her mind.

- Hierarchical model of cognitive abilities : Hierarchical model of cognitive abilities refers to the model that proposes that intelligence is composed of specific cognitive abilities (for example, verbal, spatial, speed of processing, memory ) that are intercorrelated and influenced by a higher-order general intellectual factor, g.

Hierarchical model of intelligence refers to model of the structure of intelligence in which a broad, general ability factor is at the top of the hierarchy, with a number of specialized ability factors nested underneath.

Hierarchical processing refer to processing signals through a sequence of areas. This occurs in the visual system as signals are transmitted from the LGN to the primary visual receiving area and then to higher areas. It occurs in the auditory system as signals are transmitted from the core to the belt to the parabelt regions of the cortex.