Glossary H

- Humanistic Model : The Humanistic Model states that our problems originate when we are prevented from being our complete selves. It accepts that all people want to achieve self -actualization, and problems ar

Humanistic psychology refers to an approach to the study of human behavior that emphasises human experience, choice and creativity, self -realisation, and positive growth.

Humanistic theories views that people strive to develop their innate potential for goodness and self -actualization; abnormality arises as a result of societal pressures to conform to unchos

Humanistic therapy (person-centered therapy) refers to a type of therapy in which the goal is to help the client discover his or her place in the world and to accomplish Self -Actualization

Humiliation refers to a state of disgrace or loss of self-respect or of respect from others

Deutsch: Humorforschung / Español: Investigación del humor / Português: Pesquisa sobre humor / Français: Recherche sur l'humour / Italiano: Ricerca sull'umorismo

Humor research in the psychology context refers to the scientific study of humor's nature, its psychological underpinnings, its effects on mental and physical health, and its role in social interactions and communication. This multidisciplinary field intersects with psychology, sociology, linguistics, and neuroscience to explore how and why humor is used by individuals, how it develops across the lifespan, and its therapeutic and relational benefits.

Humoral immunity refers to fast acting immune response that defends the body against bacterial and viral infections that have not yet invaded the cells; mediated by B lymphocytes.

Humoral-mediated immunity refers to a form of immune reaction that takes place at the level of the tissue and involving immune cells circulating in the blood. Humoral-mediated immunity involves the action of B cells although the first stages are similar to the process for cell-mediated immunity.