Glossary I

Intrapsychic is a term that refers to the things that occur within our own psyches. When applied to relationships, the intrapsychic concept is that what happens within our own minds influences how we relate to another actual person.

Intrapsychic approach refers to one of four (4) approaches to intuitive-logical clinical thinking at Step 2 of the inverted pyramid method of case conceptualization. Using this approach, the counselor looks for intrapersonal life themes. Clinical thinking using this approach divides client issues by common denominators according to the intrapsychic roles they play.

Deutsch: Intrapsychische Konflikte / Español: Conflictos intrapsíquicos / Português: Conflitos intrapsíquicos / Français: Conflits intrapsychiques / Italiano: Conflitti intrapsichici /

Intrapsychic conflicts is a term in Psychoanalytic theory, a struggle among the id, ego, and superego.

Intrapsychic processes is a term introduced in the object relations section, this term is used throughout psychoanalysis to refer to impulses, ideas, conflicts, or other psychological phenomenon that occur within the mind.

Intrarole conflict is a form of role conflict that occurs when the behaviors that make up a single role are incongruous, usually resulting from inconsistent expectations on the part of the person who occupies the role and other members of the group.

Intrauterine Device (IUD) refers to small, plastic contraceptive device that is inserted into a woman’s uterus.

- Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) : Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is defined as bleeding within the ventricles of the brain. A common cause of hydrocephalus in premature infants. Vessels in the area surrounding the ventricles rupture, and the blood and cellular debris obstruct the structures that allow for the re-absorption of the cerebrospinal fluid into the bloodstream.

Intrinsic achievement orientation refers to a desire to achieve in order to satisfy one’s personal needs for competence or mastery as opposed to achieving for external incentives such as grades