Glossary I

Invariance hypothesis refers to the theory that holds that the left hemisphere of the brain has the adult specialization for language from birth.

Invariant developmental sequence refers to a series of developments that occur in one particular order because each development in the sequence is a prerequisite for the next.

Invariant prescription refers to a single directive given to parents, designed to create clear boundaries between parents and children.

inverse agonist is a term in Neuroscience which refers to a chemical substance that produces effects opposite those of a particular neurotransmitter.

Deutsch: Inverses Projektionsproblem / Español: Problema de proyección inversa / Português: Problema de projeção inversa / Français: Problème de projection inverse / Italiano: Problema di proiezione inversa /

Inverse projection problem is the idea that a particular image on the retina could have been caused by an infinite number of different objects. Thus, the retinal image does not unambiguously specify a stimulus.

Inversion means turning of the sole of the foot inward or medially, as in standing with the weight on the outer edge of the foot. Please see also Negation.

Inverted pyramid method refers to a step-by-step approach to case conceptualization that gives students and beginning clinicians a specific plan to identify and understand client concerns. Inverted pyramid method involves four (4) steps: problem identification ; thematic grouping; formation of theoretical inferences ; and formation of deeper theoretical inferences.

Investigation is dfined as the systematic and thorough examination and inquiry into something or someone