Glossary I

Introitus refers to the entrance to the vagina.

Introject means to internalize moral standards because following them makes one feel good and reduces anxiety

Introjected hostility theory refers to Freud's theory explaining how depressive people, being too frightened to express their rage for their rejection outwardly, turn their anger inward on parts of their own egos; their self -blame and punishment is actually blame and punishment intended for others who have abandoned them

Introjection refers to unconscious psychic process by which a person incorporates the characteristics of another person into his or her own psychic apparatus. Introjection occurs when individuals accept information or values from others without evaluating them or without assimilating them into one’s personality.

Introspection refers to the process whereby people look inward and examine their own thoughts, feelings, and motives

Introspectionism is a school of psychological thought devoted to identifying the smallest elements of conscious experience.

Introversion refers to ego attitude in which energy is mainly directed inward. Introversion is one of the two (2) major attitudes or orientations of personality, introversion represents an orientation toward subjective experience and focusing on one’s own perception of the external world. According to Jung, Introversion is the attitude toward life that is characterized by social isolation and an introspective nature; an attitude of the psyche characterized by an orientation toward one's own thoughts and feelings.

Introversion/Extroversion refers to the opposite poles of a personality dimension ; the opposite poles of a personality dimension: Introverts are shy and anxious around others, and tend to withdraw from social situations; extroverts are highly sociable and enjoy being with others