Glossary K

Kinesiology is defined as the science of movement, which includes anatomical (structural) and bio-mechanical (mechanical) aspects of movement.

Kinesthesia refers to aa perception of movement obtained from information about the position and rate of movement of the joints.

Kinesthesis is defined as sensations caused by muscular activity; sense that enables people to feel the motions and positions of the limbs and body.
Kinesthetic hallucination refers to the type of Hallucination that is involving the sense of bodily movement.

Kinesthetic learning/learners is one of the three (3) style of learning referring to "learning through , moving, doing and touching". Kinesthetic or tactile persons learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them. They may find it hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted by their need for activity and exploration. Also known as Tactile learning/learners.

Kinesthetic sense is a sense of one's physical body is supplied by a combination of vision, the vestibular organs, and the proprioceptive sense. Kinesthetic senses, moreover are the senses of body movement and positioning.

Kinetic cues are cues to depth perception in which motion is used to estimate depth.

Kinetic friction refers to the amount of friction that occurs between two (2) objects that are sliding upon one another.