Glossary K

Kuder-Richardson 20 refers to a formula for estimating the internal consistency of a test. The KR20 or KR20 method is equivalent to the average split-half correlation obtained from all possible splits of the items. For the KR20 formula to be applied, all items must be scored either 0 or 1.

Kuder-Richardson formula 20 refers to a formula for computing split-half reliability that corrects for the fact that individual scores are based on only half of the total test items; a statistic used to determine internal reliability of tests that use items with dichotomous answers (yes/no, true/ false). Kuder-Richardson formula 20 is also known as Kuder-Richardson 20 , KR20 or KR20 method. Please see also Kuder-Richardson 20

- Kurt Koffka (1886 - 1941) : Kurt Koffka is considered a co-founder of the school of Gestalt psychology. Koffka who is a German psychologist worked with Wertheimer on his early perception experiments .

- Kurt Lewin (1890 - 1947) : Kurt Lewin is an early Gestaltist who sought to explain human behavior in terms of the totality of influences acting on people rather than in terms of the manifestation of inner essences. Lewin was mainly responsible for applying Gestalt principles to the topics of motivation and group dynamics.

Kuru refers to a spongiform encephalopathy suffered by the Fore people of New Guinea.

Kvetch means to complain habitually, whine; gripe. It also refers to a chronic complainer and a complaint.

Kwashiorkor refers to a growth-retarding disease affecting children who receive enough calories but little if any protein.

Kyphosis is increased anterior concavity of the normal thoracic curve. The lumbar spine may have a reduction of its normal lordotic curve, resulting in a flat-back appearance referred to as Lumbar Kyphosis.