Glossary K

Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) refers to a rare form of cancer that usually occurs in untreated men with AIDS. Kaposi's sarcoma, likewise is a malignancy characterized by multiple soft, dark blue or purple nodules on the skin, with hemorrhages.
Kappa coefficient is defined as a statistical index of interrater reliability computed to determine how reliably raters judge the presence or absence of a feature or diagnosis.

Karen Horney (1885-1952) was trained in the Freudian tradition, but she later broke away from the Freudians and created her own theory of mental disorders that emphasized cultural rather than biological causes, (such as sexual).

Karl Jaspers coined the term "Existenzphilosophie" for his perspective on Existentialism. Theistic approach that emphasized courage to face challenged of the human condition.

- Karl Pearson (1857-1936) : Karl Pearson devised the formula for calculating the Coefficient of correlation.

- Karl Spencer Lashley (1890–1958) : Karl Lashley is the American neuropsychologist who was one of the first to combine behavioral sophistication in experiments with neurologic sophistication, thereby creating the field of Experimental neuropsychology. Likewise, Karl Spencer Lashley was an early supporter of Watsonian behaviorism who eventually left the behavioristic camp when his neurological research failed to support the switchboard conception of the brain upon which behaviorism was based.

Karma is defined as the idea that there is a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth and that deeds in one’s life affect one’s status in a future life; movement from past incarnations that affect the present.

Karuna means loving compassion. Karuna is from the Sanskrit "karuna" which means "compassion"