Glossary L
Glossary L
Law of constructive association is a term according to Bain, the mind can rearrange the memories of various experiences so that the creative associations formed are different from the experiences that gave rise to the associations.
Law of contiguity refers to Guthrie's one law of learning, which states that when a pattern of stimuli is experienced along with a response, the two (2) become associated. In 1959 Guthrie revised the Law of contiguity to read, "What is being noticed becomes a signal for what is being done". Law of contiguity, moreover is a law of association holding that events that occur in close proximity to each other in time or space are readily associated with each other; a thought of something will tend to cause thoughts of things that are usually experienced along with it. It is the tendency for events that are experienced together to be remembered together.
Law of contrast refers to a thought of something will tend to cause thoughts of opposite things. Law of contrast also refers to a law of association holding that events that are opposite from each other are readily associated.