Glossary M

Marijuana refers to dried part of the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa) which is a hallucinogen and is the most widely used illegal substance.

Marital rape refers to the rape of a person by her or his current or former spouse.

Deutsch: Ehekrise / Español: Cisma Matrimonial / Português: Cisma Conjugal / Français: Scission Conjugale / Italiano: Scisma Coniugale /

Marital schism is defined as a situation in which one parent tries to undermine the worth of another by competing for sympathy or support from the children.

Marital skew refers to a situation in which the psychological disturbance of one parent dominates the family 's interactions. An unreal situation for family members is created so that the family can deal with one member's disturbance.

Marital stability is defined as the status of a marriage, as in continuing versus ended in separation or divorce
- Marquis de Puysegur (1751 to 1825) : Marquis de Puysegur found that placing patients in a sleeplike trance was as effective in alleviating ailments as was Mesmer's approach, which necessitated a crisis. He also discovered a nu

Marriage is defined as the legally and socially sanctioned union of sexually intimate adults; a legal contract with certain rights and obligations.

Marriage Therapy refers to a form of treatment in which a therapist treats both husband and wife or life partners and the partnership as a whole.

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