Glossary N

Nomothetic refers to an approach to explanation in which people seek to identify a few causal factors that generally impact a class of conditions or events. Imagine the 2 or 3 key factors that determine which colleges students choose, such as proximity, reputation, and so forth. By contrast, please see Idiographic.

Nomothetic Approach refers to the approach to the study of personality stresses that uniqueness may be accounted for as a point of intersection of a number of quantitative variables.

Nomothetic Formulation refers to an approach to case formulation or Assessment that emphasizes general principles that apply to all people.

Non-accidental properties (NAPs) are properties of edges in the retinal image that correspond to the properties of edges in the three-dimensional environment. For example, a non-accidental property of a rectangular solid is three (3) parallel edges. Non-accidental properties are visible from most viewpoints.

Non-accidental trauma refers to the wide-ranging effects of maltreatment on the child"s ongoing physical and emotional deve

Non-deterministic chaos refer to the dynamics of systems with sensitive decision points. As the trajectory of a system passes through such points, future behavior becomes unpredictable.

Non-diagnosable client presentations refer to functional, normal, and ordered behavior, or expected and culturally appropriate reactions to life events and developmental challenges.

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma refers to a malignancy characterized by rapidly growing tumors that are spread through the circulatory or lymphatic systems.

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