Glossary N

Non-homeostatic drive refers to a drive that is relatively independent of physical deprivation cycles or bodily need states.
Non-rapid eye movement sleep (NonREM, NREM) refers to a type of sleep that is divided into four (4) stages. Usually about 75\% of the night is spent in Non-rapid eye movement sleep. N

Non-REM dreams refer to dreams that are more likely to consist of brief, fragmentary impressions that are less emotional and less likely to involve visual images than REM sleep dreams

Non-REM sleep (NonREM sleep or just NREM) which is another name for Non-rapid eye movement sleep refers to type of sleep that is divided into four (4) stages.

Deutsch: Nicht-geteilte Umgebung / Español: Entorno no compartido / Português: Ambiente não compartilhado / Français: Environnement non partagé / Italiano: Ambiente non condiviso /

Non-shared environment is a subtype of environmental influences that refers to the environmental factors that produce behavioral differences among siblings living in the same household.

Non-verbal behaviors refers to the usual unconscious behaviors exhibited during communication.

Non-zero-sum games are games in which outcomes need not sum to zero. With cooperation, both can win; with competition, both can lose. Non-zero-sum game is an interaction in which both participants can win or lose. Moreover, Non-zero-sum games are game in which players have some common interests; a gain by one player does not require that others lose. It means that "win-win" or "lose-lose" is possible in two-person games Non-zero-sum game is also called Mixed-motive situations.

nonadherence refers to the Failure to comply fully with treatment recommendations for modification of a health habit or an

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