Glossary N

Nondeclarative memory refers to the knowledge that is implicit and inaccessible to conscious recall or verbalization. This form of memory is demonstrated through performance (e.g., ri

Nondefensive listening refers to a listening strategy in which the listener focuses Attention on what his or her partner is saying without being defensive.

Nondeterminism refers to the belief that human Thought or Behavior is freely chosen by the individual and is therefore not caused by antecedent physical or mental events.

Nondirectional hypothesis refers to a tentative prediction that the levels of an independent variable will cause a change in a dependent variable, but not predicting the direction of that change.

Nondisjunction refers to the failure of the 21st pair of the mother’s chromosomes to separate during Meiosis. In most Down syndrome cases, the extra chromosome results from this failure of the chromosomes to separate.

Deutsch: Nichtäquivalent / Español: No equivalente / Português: Não equivalente / Français: Non équivalent / Italiano: Non equivalente

Nonequivalent in the psychology context refers to groups or conditions that are not identical in terms of characteristics or properties at the outset of a study or experiment. This term is often used in research designs and statistical analyses to describe groups that differ in key aspects before any intervention or treatment is applied. In psychological research, nonequivalent groups may arise in quasi-experimental designs, where participants are not randomly assigned to experimental and control groups, potentially leading to pre-existing differences between the groups. These differences can affect the validity of the conclusions drawn from the study, as it may be unclear whether observed outcomes are due to the experimental manipulation or to pre-existing disparities between the groups.

- Nonequivalent control group : Nonequivalent control group is a control group that is similar to the experimental group but is not created by the random assignment of subjects. This sort of control group does differ significantly from the experimental group in terms of the dependent variable or variables related to it.

Nonequivalent control group design refers to a research design in which the researcher does not randomly assign individuals to groups but rather uses pre-existing groups, with one group serving in the treatment condition and another group serving in the control condition. Moreover, Nonequivalent control group design is a quasi-experimental design that uses a control group constituted in a manner different from that of the experimental group.

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