Glossary N

Nonliving donors refer to individuals who have experienced brain death or cardiac death prior to donation and the subsequent recovery of one or more of their organs or tissues for transplantation, research, or educational purposes. Nonliving donors is also called Deceased donors

Nonmanipulated independent variable is defined as an independent variable for which condition assignment is determined by a characteristic of the participant.

Nonmonotonic function refers to a function that changes from negative to positive slope or positive to negative slope in at least one place.

Nonmothetic research is defined as the study of the statistical differences among large groups of subjects.

Nonnormative influences are random events that are important to an individual but do not happen to most people.
Nonobstructive hydrocephalus which is also referred to as Communicating hydrocephalus is a form of hydrocephalus produced by blockage that disrupts re-absorption of cerebrospinal fluid into the bloodstream.

Nonorganic failure to thrive refers to an infant growth disorder, caused by lack of attention and affection, that causes growth to slow dramatically or stop.

Nonoxynol is a compound that, while not primarily associated with psychology, has relevance due to its potential impact on sexual health and relationships. In this article, we will explore the concept of nonoxynol, its relevance to psychology, examples of its effects on mental health and relationships, potential risks, and application areas. We will also discuss recommendations, if applicable, for managing nonoxynol-related psychological issues. Additionally, we'll touch on any historical and legal aspects of this topic and list some similar concepts in psychology.