Neonativism is a theory in psychology that suggests that humans are born with innate knowledge, rather than acquiring it solely through experience and learning. The term "neonativism" was coined by cognitive scientist Jerry Fodor in the late 1970s, and the theory has been influential in the study of cognitive development and language acquisition.

According to the neonativist view, the mind is pre-programmed with certain concepts and categories that allow us to make sense of the world around us. These innate concepts are said to be present in the mind from birth, and serve as a foundation for learning and understanding new information.

One of the most famous examples of neonativism is Noam Chomsky's theory of universal grammar. Chomsky proposed that all humans are born with an innate understanding of the basic rules of language, which allows them to learn any language to which they are exposed. This innate knowledge, he argued, includes knowledge of the structure of sentences, such as the distinction between subjects and objects, and the ability to form questions and negations.

Another example of neonativism is the theory of object permanence in infant development. According to this theory, infants are born with an innate understanding that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight. This understanding allows them to search for hidden objects and track moving objects, and serves as a foundation for more complex cognitive abilities later in life.

Other examples of innate knowledge proposed by neonativists include basic mathematical concepts, such as the ability to distinguish between different quantities and to perform simple calculations, and the ability to recognize faces and emotions.

Despite its influential status in the field of cognitive psychology, neonativism remains controversial. Critics argue that it overemphasizes innate knowledge at the expense of experience and learning, and that it does not adequately explain how such knowledge is acquired or how it interacts with environmental factors.

Some similar theories to neonativism include nativism, which emphasizes the role of genetics in shaping cognitive abilities, and innatism, which proposes that certain knowledge is inherent to the mind rather than learned from experience.

In conclusion, neonativism is a theory in psychology that suggests that humans are born with innate knowledge that serves as a foundation for learning and understanding new information. Examples of this innate knowledge include universal grammar, object permanence, and basic mathematical concepts. While controversial, the theory has been influential in the study of cognitive development and language acquisition. Similar theories include nativism and innatism, which also emphasize the role of innate knowledge in shaping cognitive abilities.