Glossary O

Optimal experience refers to a state of happiness and satisfaction characterized by absorption in a challenging and personally rewarding task.
Optimal functioning is what a person is capable of doing when motivated and well prepared.

Optimal level is a term used in Fischer's theory that refers to the maximum level of complexity of a skill that the individual can control.

Optimal level of development refers to the highest level of information-processing of which a person is capable. Moreover, in the reflective judgment framework, the highest level of information-processing capacity that a person is capable of.

Optimally exercised ability refers to the ability a normal, healthy adult would demonstrate under the best conditions of training or practice.

Optimism is defined as the general tendency to expect good outcomes. It is a personality trait where a person has a general tendency to expect that good things, rather than bad things, will happen. Moreover, Optimism is a belief that one's decisions will lead to positive consequences and that situations will turn out well.

In the psychology context, an optimist is a person who has a tendency to expect positive outcomes in various situations. Optimists tend to focus on the potential for success, rather than dwelling on the possibility of failure. Optimism has been linked to many positive outcomes, such as better mental health, improved physical health, and greater resilience in the face of adversity.

Optimistic bias refers to the belief that other people, but not oneself, will develop a disease, have an accident, or experience other negative events.

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