Glossary O

Opium refers to the dried sap produced by the poppy plant

Opium poppy is a plant cultivated for centuries, primarily in Eurasia, for Opium, a narcotic that acts as a central nervous system depressant
OPO refers to an organ procurement organization; one of the authorized local or regional agencies that implements procedures to offer the opportunity of organ donation and to recover donated organs
Opponent neurons is a neuron that has an excitatory response to wavelengths in one part of the spectrum and an inhibitory response to wavelengths in the other part of the spectrum.

Opponent-process theory refers to a theory which states that strong emotions tend to be followed by an opposite emotional state; also the strength of both emotional states changes over time.

Opponent-process theory of color vision refers to a theory originally proposed by Hering, which claimed that human perception of color is determined by the activity of two ("9 opponent mechanisms: a blue–yellow mechanism and a red–green mechanism. The responses to the two (2) colors in each mechanism oppose each other, one being an excitatory response and the other an inhibitory response. In addition, this theory also includes a black–white mechanism, which is concerned with the perception of brightness. Please see also Opponent neuron.

Opportunistic disease refers to a disease that occurs when the immune system is depressed which is usually fatal.

Opportunistic infections is defined as infections caused by organisms that cannot induce disease in people with normal immune systems, but take the "opportunity" to flourish in people with HIV infection.

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