Glossary O

Operational definition refers to the concrete and specific definition of something in terms of the operations by which observations are to be categorized; a definition of a concept in terms of the operations that must be performed to demonstrate the concept. Operational definition is the definition of a concept by specifying the operations required to manipulate or measure the concept. It is defining a scientific concept by stating the specific actions or procedures used to measure it. For example, "hunger" might be defined as "the number of hours of food deprivation. "

Operational definitions refer to observable operations, procedures, and measurements that are based on the independent and dependent variables

Moreover, Operational definitions are

Operational schemes refer to Piaget"s term for schemes that utilize cognitive operations, or mental "actions of the head,” that enable one to transform objects of Thought and to reaso

Operationalization refers to the process by which concepts are made measurable.

Operationism refers to the position that concepts are defined by the operations used to measure and produce them, but ignores the fact that at least two (2) sets of observations are n

Operations is defined as flexible, reversible mental manipulations of objects, in which objects can be mentally transformed and then returned to their original states. In Piaget's theory, particular types of cognitive schemes that are mental (that is, require symbols), derive from action, exist in organized systems (structures of the whole), and follow a set of logical rules, most importantly that of reversibility.

opiate refers to addictive psychoactive substance such as heroin, opium, or morphine that causes temporary euphoria and analgesia that reduces pain

Opiate drugs is a class of drugs derived from, or similar to those derived from, opium poppies. Please see also Opiate

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