Glossary O

The term "opportunity" refers to a set of circumstances or a specific moment in time that presents a chance for individuals to engage in certain actions, make choices, or pursue particular goals. Opportunities can encompass various aspects of life, including personal, social, academic, and career-related domains. Psychologists study opportunities and their impact on human behavior, decision-making, development, and well-being. Understanding how individuals perceive and respond to opportunities is essential for comprehending their choices and life trajectories. Here, we will explore the concept of opportunity in psychology, provide examples, and list similar concepts and terms used in psychological research.

Opportunity structure refers to a path to success. There are two (2) types of opportunity structures legitimate and illegitimate

Opposition maybe defined as the diagonal movement of the thumb across the palmar surface of the hand to make contact with the fingers.

Opposition principle refers to Jung's idea that conflict between opposing processes or tendencies is necessary to generate psychic energy.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder refers to a pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior.

- Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) : oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) refers to the least severe form of disruptive behavior disorder, in which children show an ageinappropriate and persistent pattern of irritable, hostile, oppositional, and defiant behavior.

Opsin refers to the protein part of the visual pigment molecule, to which the light-sensitive retinal molecule is attached.

Optic array refers to the structured pattern of light created by the presence of objects, surfaces, and textures in the environment.

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