Glossary R

Deutsch: Einübung / Español: Ensayo / Português: Ensaio / Français: Répétition / Italiano: Prova

In psychology, rehearsal refers to the cognitive process of repeatedly practicing or going over information to improve memory retention. This concept is a key component of working memory and long-term memory models, where it serves as a fundamental technique for transferring information from short-term to long-term memory.

Deutsch: Erstattung / Español: Reembolso / Português: Reembolso / Français: Remboursement / Italian: Rimborso

Reimbursement in the psychology context refers to the process by which clients or patients are compensated for the costs of psychological services, typically through insurance providers. This ensures that individuals can access necessary mental health care without bearing the full financial burden.

Deutsch: Reinkarnation / Español: Reencarnación / Português: Reencarnação / Français: Réincarnation / Italiano: Reincarnazione

Reincarnation in the psychology context refers to the belief or concept that the soul or consciousness is reborn into a new body after death. While traditionally rooted in spiritual and religious contexts, reincarnation also appears in psychological discussions, particularly in the study of past-life memories, the exploration of identity, and the understanding of certain cultural beliefs that influence an individual's worldview and behaviours.

Reinforcement is a term in Operant conditioning, consequences for behavior that strengthen it or increase its frequency. Positive reinforcement involves the contingent delivery of a desired consequence. Negative reinforcement is the contingent escape from an aversive consequence. Unwanted behaviors may result from reinforcement of those behaviors or the failure to reinforce desired behaviors.

Reinforcer refers to a stimulus that increases the probability of the response that produces it, such as when a rat receives food for pressing a lever.

Deutsch: Verstärkung / Español: Reforzamiento / Português: Reforço / Français: Renforcement / Italiano: Rinforzo

Reinforcing in psychology refers to the process of strengthening a behavior by providing a consequence that is likely to increase the frequency of that behavior. This concept is central to operant conditioning, a type of learning described by B.F. Skinner.

Reiteration, in the realm of psychology, refers to the process of repeating or restating thoughts, ideas, or behaviors. It is a cognitive phenomenon that plays a significant role in various aspects of human psychology. This article delves into the concept of reiteration in psychology, highlighting its importance, providing numerous examples to illustrate its relevance, discussing potential risks associated with excessive reiteration, examining its application areas within the field of psychology, offering recommendations for managing reiteration, and, if applicable, exploring any historical or legal aspects. We will also present sentences demonstrating the use of 'reiteration' in different grammatical forms and conclude with a list of related terms and a summary.

Rejection in the Psychology Context: Understanding the Impact, Coping Strategies, and Healing

In psychology, "rejection" refers to the emotional and psychological experience of being excluded, dismissed, or not accepted by others. Rejection can take various forms, including social rejection, romantic rejection, or professional rejection, and it can have profound effects on an individual's mental and emotional well-being. Understanding rejection in the psychology context is crucial because it is a common human experience, and how individuals perceive and cope with rejection can significantly impact their mental health and overall quality of life. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the concept of "rejection" in psychology, provide numerous examples of its applications, offer recommendations for coping with rejection, discuss treatment and healing approaches, and list some related concepts within the field of psychology.