Glossary R

Relationship maintenance refer to the actions and activities used to sustain the desired quality of a relationship.

In the psychology context, relationship orientation refers to an individual's approach, attitude, and predisposition towards forming and maintaining interpersonal relationships. This concept encompasses how people view their connections with others, the value they place on these relationships, and their preferred styles of interacting within them. Relationship orientation can influence various aspects of social behavior, including communication styles, conflict resolution strategies, and the degree of intimacy or distance maintained in relationships.

Relationship role refers to any position in a group occupied by a member who performs behaviors that improve the nature and quality of interpersonal relations among members, such as showing concern for the feelings of others, reducing conflict, and enhancing feelings of satisfaction and trust in the group.
Relationship superiority bias refers to a tendency to assume that one's own romantic relationship is better than other people's.
Relationship-enhancing style of attribution refers to the tendency of happy couples to attribute their partner’s good acts to internal factors and bad acts to external factors.

Relationship-oriented leader refers to a leader who is concerned primarily with the feelings of and relationships between the workers.

Relative deprivation refers to the perception that you (or your group) have less than you deserve, less than you have been led to expect, or less than people similar to you have

Deutsch: Entspannung / Español: Relajación / Português: Relaxamento / Français: Relaxation / Italiano: Rilassamento

Relaxation is a state of lowered anxiety, stress, and physiological arousal. Relaxation may be induced in a number of ways, and it appears to be effective in the treatment of a number of health concerns.

Relaxation in the psychology context refers to the process of reducing tension and stress, both physically and mentally, to achieve a state of increased calmness and tranquility. This psychological and physiological state is crucial for maintaining overall well-being and health.