Glossary R
Glossary R
Deutsch: Rekategorisierung / Español: recategorización / Português: recategorização / Français: recatégorisation / Italiano: ricategorizzazione
Recategorization in psychology refers to the cognitive process of redefining the boundaries of existing mental categories or creating new ones to better understand or relate to information, people, or experiences. This concept plays a significant role in reducing biases, improving social cohesion, and fostering flexible thinking.
Receptive Language refers to the processing of language via auditory and Reading comprehension.
Deutsch: Empfänglichkeit / Español: Receptividad / Português: Receptividade / Français: Réceptivité / Italiano: Ricettività
Receptivity in psychology refers to an individual's openness and willingness to receive new information, experiences, ideas, or feedback. It involves being open-minded, flexible, and responsive to external stimuli, whether it is in the form of communication from others, learning new concepts, or adapting to changes in one's environment. Receptivity is a key trait that influences personal growth, interpersonal relationships, and the capacity to learn and adapt.
Receptor are molecules on the membranes of neurons to which neurotransmitters bind In the nervous system, a receptor is a specialized portion of an afferent neuron (or a special cell attached to an afferent neuron) that is sensitive to a form of energy in the environment.
Deutsch: Rückfälligkeit / Español: Reincidencia / Português: Reincidência / Français: Récidive / Italiano: Recidiva
Recidivism refers to the tendency of an individual to relapse into a previous behaviour, especially after having been treated or punished for it. In psychology, this term is often used in the context of criminal behaviour or mental health disorders, where a person returns to harmful or maladaptive actions despite interventions. Recidivism is a key focus in rehabilitation and behavioural correction efforts.
Deutsch: Empfänger / Español: Receptor / Português: Recipiente / Français: Destinataire / Italiano: Destinatario
Recipient in the psychology context refers to an individual or entity that receives something, which could be a message, support, treatment, or any form of communication or aid. The concept is crucial in understanding various psychological processes, including communication, social support, and therapeutic interactions.