Glossary R

Deutsch: Rekonditionierung / Español: Reacondicionamiento / Português: Recondicionamento / Français: Reconditionnement / Italian: Ricondizionamento

Reconditioning in the psychology context refers to the process of altering previously learned associations, behaviors, or responses by applying new conditioning techniques. It typically involves undoing or modifying the effects of earlier conditioning (either classical or operant) to replace undesirable behaviors or responses with more desirable ones. Reconditioning is commonly used in therapeutic settings to help individuals overcome maladaptive behaviors, phobias, or negative emotional responses by establishing new, healthier patterns of behavior.

Deutsch: Rekonstruktion / Español: Reconstrucción / Português: Reconstrução / Français: Reconstruction / Italian: Ricostruzione

Reconstruction in psychology refers to the process of rebuilding or reinterpreting past experiences, memories, or events. This technique is commonly used in therapeutic settings to help individuals gain insight into their past, resolve conflicts, and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Deutsch: Rekonstruktives Gedächtnis / Español: Memoria reconstructiva / Português: Memória reconstrutiva / Français: Mémoire reconstructive / Italiano: Memoria ricostruttiva

Reconstructive memory is a concept in psychology that refers to the way memories are not stored as complete snapshots but rather are reconstructed by the mind each time they are recalled. This theory, proposed by psychologist Frederic Bartlett, challenges the idea of memory as a static and accurate recording of events. Instead, it suggests that recalling an event involves piecing together various stored information to construct a coherent narrative, which may be influenced by one's knowledge, beliefs, expectations, and social context.

Deutsch: Genesung / Español: recuperación / Português: recuperação / Français: rétablissement / Italiano: recupero

Recovery is the personal process of discovery, release, and change in the lives of an individual, whether recovering from addiction to substances, compulsion, or some other dysfunction. Generally, Recovery (with a capital "R") refers more to the results of the 12-Step Program and self-help support groups that follow that method. In the addictions field, changes back to health in physical, psychological, spiritual, and social functioning. It generally is believed that recovery is a lifetime process that requires total abstinence from alcohol and nonprescribed drugs.

In the context of psychology, recovery refers to the process through which individuals improve their health and wellness, manage their symptoms, and regain a sense of self-autonomy and control over their lives after experiencing psychological distress or mental illness.

English: Recreation / Deutsch: Erholung / Español: Recreación / Português: Recreação / Français: Récréation / Italiano: Ricreazione /

Recreation in the Psychology Context:

In the field of psychology, recreation refers to activities, hobbies, and leisure pursuits that individuals engage in to relax, unwind, and rejuvenate their mental and emotional well-being. These activities play a vital role in promoting mental health, reducing stress, and enhancing overall life satisfaction. In this context, recreation serves as a therapeutic tool that contributes to psychological well-being. Let's explore the concept of recreation in psychology, provide examples, offer recommendations, and discuss its healing and treatment aspects.

Deutsch: Rekrutierung / Español: reclutamiento / Português: recrutamento / Français: recrutement / Italiano: reclutamento

In the context of psychology, recruitment typically refers to the process of attracting, selecting, and appointing suitable candidates for jobs within an organization, but it also involves understanding and applying psychological principles to optimize these processes.

Deutsch: Rektum / Español: Recto / Português: Reto / Français: Rectum / Italiano: Retto

Rectum in the psychology context is primarily discussed in relation to Freudian psychoanalytic theory, particularly the psychosexual stages of development. The rectum is significant during the anal stage of development, a phase where psychological focus is on control, autonomy, and bodily functions, particularly related to toileting and defecation.

"Rectus" is the Latin word meaning "straight" and is used in English to refer to multiple topics in the sciences.