Glossary T
Glossary T
Theoretical orientation refers to the system of understanding human functioning and dysfunction applied by the clinician to his or her understanding of client/patient needs.
Theoretical perspective refers to an orientation to understanding the causes of human behavior and the treatment of abnormality.
Deutsch: Theorien der Viktimisierung / Español: Teorías de victimización / Português: Teorias de vitimização / Français: Théories de la victimisation / Italiano: Teorie della vittimizzazione /
Theories of victimization refer to theories that explain the role that victims play in the crimes that happen to them.
Deutsch: Theorie / Español: Teoría / Português: Teoria / Français: Théorie / Italiano: Teoria /
Theory refers to an organized set of concepts that explains a phenomenon or set of phenomena.
Other /More definition:
Theory of correspondent inferences refers to how behavior relates to the social norms for the current situation.