Glossary T
Glossary T
Theory of forms refers to Plato's contention that ultimate reality consists of abstract ideas or forms that correspond to all objects in the empirical world. Knowledge of these abstractions is innate and can be attained only through introspection.
- Theory of Mind (ToM) : Theory of Mind (ToM) is defined as the capacity to attribute mental states to oneself and others in an attempt to understand and explain, and to predict other's behavior. Children or adult
Theory of mind (ToM) refers to the cognition and understanding of mental states that cannot be observed directly, such as beliefs and desires, both in one’s self and in others.
Theory of mind is also referred to as Mentalization.
Theory of Multiple Intelligences refers to the cognitive theory developed by Howard Gardner, that each individual possesses multiple intelligences rather than one single intelligence.
- Natural Selection : Theory of Natural Selection refers to a theory that explains the process of evolution.