Glossary T

Teachable moments refer to unanticipated life events offering important occasions for developing educational insights and lessons, as well as for personal growth.

Deutsch: Team / Español: Equipo / Português: Equipe / Français: Équipe / Italiano: Squadra

In psychology, a team refers to a group of individuals who interact dynamically, interdependently, and adaptively to achieve shared and valued objectives. Teams are studied to understand how various psychological factors influence group dynamics, performance, cohesion, and the overall functioning within group settings.

Team Building refers to the following:

(1) The process of team members committing to work together toward the same end, even though each member may participate in different ways.

Tear, tears or tearing may refer to:

  • Tearing, the act of breaking apart a material by force
  • Tears, a clear liquid secreted by the tear gland in the eyes of land mammals

Deutsch: Technik / Español: Técnica / Português: Técnica / Français: Technique / Italiano: Tecnica /

In the field of psychology, a technique is a specific method or approach that is used to achieve a particular goal. Techniques can be used in a variety of settings, including therapy, research, and education, and they can be applied to a wide range of psychological issues and concerns.

Technology in the Psychology Context: Exploring the Intersection of Mind and Machine

In the field of psychology, "technology" encompasses the study of how various forms of technology, such as digital devices, virtual environments, and artificial intelligence, influence human behavior, cognition, emotions, and overall psychological well-being. This intersection between technology and psychology is a dynamic and evolving field, reflecting the increasing integration of technology into our daily lives. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the concept of "technology" in psychology, provide numerous examples of its applications, offer recommendations for navigating the psychological aspects of technology use, discuss treatment and healing approaches related to technology-related challenges, and list some related concepts within the field of psychology.

Teeter Totter Effect a sibling phenomenon that contributes to the uniqueness of each child as decribed by Shulman and Mosak (1988). The sibling who finds one role space occupied will often f

Telegraphic period refers to a stage of Language Development in which children's Speech is abbreviated like a telegram.