Glossary T

Tat-for-Tat strategy a means of encouraging cooperation by at first acting cooperatively but then always responding the way your opponent did (cooperatively or competitively) on the previous trial

Tau refers to a protein that normally helps maintain the internal support structure of the axons.
Taxes refers to the behaviour that involves movement to or away from a stimulus.

taxonomy refers to the system of naming and classification in science.
Taxonomy of success and failure attributions refers to the types of internal and external attributions we can make about a person's performance—for example, success or failure

TD is the abbreviations of Tardive Dyskinesia that refers to a neurological disorder that sometimes develops as a side effect of long-term treatment with neuroleptic/antipsychotic medications. It consist of abnormal, involuntary body movements caused by certain medicines. It is usually associated with long-term use of medicines for treating schizophreniaand other psychotic disorders. Moreover, TD refers to a a syndrome characterized by abnormal involuntary movements of the patient's face, mouth, trunk, or limbs, which affects 20%–30% of patients who have been treated for months or years with neuroleptic medications. Patients who are older, are heavy smokers, or have Diabetes mellitus are at higher risk of developing TD.

Teachable moments refer to unanticipated life events offering important occasions for developing educational insights and lessons, as well as for personal growth.

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