Glossary T
Glossary T
Technology in the Psychology Context: Exploring the Intersection of Mind and Machine
In the field of psychology, "technology" encompasses the study of how various forms of technology, such as digital devices, virtual environments, and artificial intelligence, influence human behavior, cognition, emotions, and overall psychological well-being. This intersection between technology and psychology is a dynamic and evolving field, reflecting the increasing integration of technology into our daily lives. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the concept of "technology" in psychology, provide numerous examples of its applications, offer recommendations for navigating the psychological aspects of technology use, discuss treatment and healing approaches related to technology-related challenges, and list some related concepts within the field of psychology.
Deutsch: Telencephalon / Español: Telencéfalo / Português: Telencéfalo / Français: Télencéphale / Italian: Telencefalo
Telencephalon in the psychology context refers to the largest part of the brain, also known as the cerebrum, which is involved in various high-order brain functions. This part of the brain plays a crucial role in cognition, sensory perception, motor function, and various aspects of consciousness and behavior.
Deutsch: Telepsychologie / Español: Telepsicología / Português: Telepsicologia / Français: Télépsychologie / Italiano: Telepsicologia
In the psychology context, telepsychology refers to the practice of providing psychological services using telecommunications technologies, such as video conferencing, phone calls, email, and messaging apps. This approach allows psychologists to offer therapy, counseling, assessment, and consultation services to clients who may not be able to access traditional in-person sessions due to geographical, physical, or time constraints.
Deutsch: Temperamentsmerkmal / Español: Rasgo de Temperamento / Português: Traço de Temperamento / Français: Trait de Tempérament / Italiano: Tratto del Temperamento
Temperament trait in the psychology context refers to the basic, innate aspects of an individual's personality that are evident from early childhood and remain relatively stable throughout life. These traits are the foundational elements of personality and influence how individuals react to their environment, regulate their emotions, and interact with others. Temperament traits include a variety of dimensions, such as activity level, emotional reactivity, sociability, and regulatory capacity. Researchers believe that these traits are largely biologically based, shaped by genetic, neurobiological, and evolutionary factors, although they are also influenced by an individual's interactions with their environment.
The term "temperature" is usually not used to refer to physical temperature, but it can be used in some contexts to refer to the emotional state of an individual, or the emotional tone of an environment.