Glossary T

Target behaviors refer to the behaviors of a person that are the primary problems of concern.

Target hardening refers to the reduction in criminal opportunity, generally through the use of physical barriers, architectural design, and enhanced security measures, of a particula

Target population refers to a Group defined by a researcher''s specific interests. (See population)

Target-absent lineup refers to a (police) lineup in which the person who committed the Crime is not present in the lineup

Deutsch: Zielbasierte Erwartung / Español: Expectativa basada en objetivos / Português: Expectativa baseada em metas / Français: Attente basée sur des objectifs / Italiano: Aspettativa basata sull'obiettivo /

A Target-based expectancy refers to expectation about a person based on his or her past actions, such as expecting someone to go to the beach on vacation because he or she has always gone to the beach in the past.

Target-present lineup refers to a (police) lineup in which the person who committed the Crime is one of the lineup members.

Task analysis refers to the process of identifying the tasks for which employees need to be trained.