Glossary T

Tendonitis refers to the inflammation of the tendons, which connect muscles to bones in some parts of the body, may result in a condition known as tendonitis.

Tension headache refers to pain produced by sustained muscle contractions in the neck, shoulders, scalp, and face, as well as by activity in the central nervous system.

Terminal in the psychology context refers to a point at which a process or condition has reached its final stage or outcome, often with no possibility of further change or improvement. It can pertain to various aspects of psychological well-being and mental health, and understanding the concept of terminality is essential for both professionals and individuals seeking to address psychological issues.

Termination refers to the process of ending and completing therapy. Typically, Termination includes a review of the gains accomplished by the client, some reminiscing of the progression of t

Territorial Aggression (defence of a fixed space against intruders) is a kind of aggression which refers to the threat or attack behavior displayed towards an invasion of ones territory or the submissive-retreat behavior displayed when confronted while intruding.

In the context of psychology, territory refers to the concept of an area or space that an individual or group claims and defends against others. It is often studied within environmental psychology and social psychology, exploring how humans and animals use space to establish control, maintain privacy, and express identity.

A specific geographic area that individuals or groups of individuals claim, mark, and defend against intrusion by others.

Deutsch: Terrorismus / Español: Terrorismo / Português: Terrorismo / Français: Terrorisme / Italian: Terrorismo

Terrorism in the psychology context involves studying the psychological aspects and impacts of terrorist acts, both on individuals and society. It encompasses understanding the motivations of terrorists, the psychological effects on victims and communities, and the broader social and political implications.

Test refers to a task or set of tasks given under standard conditions with the purpose of assessing some aspect of the subject’s (that is the client/patient) knowledge, skill, personality, or condition.