Glossary T

Task leader refers to the individual within a Group who does most to initiate task behaviour and to set task goals.

Task leadership refers to a type/kind Leadership that organizes work, sets standards, and focuses on goals.

Task-contingent rewards refer to rewards that are given for performing a task, regardless of how well we do that task.

Task-oriented leader refers to a a leader who is concerned primarily with getting the job done and less so with the feelings of and relationships between the workers

Tasks in mourning describes mourning as involving a series of tasks; Worden suggested four (4) tasks: 1. to accept the reality of the loss ; . 2. to work through the pain of grief ; . 3. to adjust to an environment in which the deceased is missing; . 4. to emotionally relocate the deceased and move on with life. Tasks in mourning is one of the interpretations or theories of mourning.
Taste aversion refers to an active dislike for a particular food.
Taste aversion conditioning refers to a form of classical conditioning in which a food item that has been paired with gastrointestinal illness becomes a conditioned aversive stimulus.

TAT isthe abbreviations of Thematic Apperception Test, a projective Personality test in which test-takers are shown pictures and asked to tell stories which is designed to measure var