Glossary B

Behavior rehearsal refers to a general technique for expanding the patient's repertoire of coping behaviors. Successful Behavioral rehearsal involves explaining to the patient the necessity of acquiring the new behaviors, selecting the target situations, conducting the rehearsal and providing feedback, and having the patient apply the newly acquired skills in real-life situations.

Behavior setting is a term used and defined by Roger Barker in his theory of Ecological psychology that refers to a physically and temporally bounded social situation that determines the actions of the individuals in the setting.

Behavior systems theory refers to a theory proposing that an animal’s behavior is organized into various motivational systems and each of these systems encompasses a set of relevant responses, each of which, in turn, can be activated by particular cues.

Behavior theory refers to an approach to understanding human activity which holds that behavior is determined by consequences it produces for the individual.

Behavior therapies refer to therapies that focus on changing a person's specific behaviors by replacing unwanted behaviors with desired behaviors

Behavior therapy refers to Psychological treatment used to help patients substitute desirable responses and behavior patterns for undesirable ones. It is a kind of psychotherapy used to treat depression, anxiety disorders, phobias, and other forms of mental disorder.

Behavior therapy groups refers to an approach in which patients with similar problems (e.g., depression, agoraphobia, pain) are treated as a group using standard behavioral or cognitive-behavioral methods . In Behavior therapy groups, little attention is generally given to group dynamics. Behavior therapy is a type of psychotherapy that is based on the notion that depressed people experience too few rewards or reinforcements from their environment and focuses on and attempts to alter current behavior. However, underlying causes of the problem may not be addressed.

Deutsch: Verhaltensaktivierung / Español: Activación conductual / Português: Ativação comportamental / Français: Activation comportementale / Italiano: Attivazione comportamentale

Behavioral Activation is a therapeutic approach within the field of psychology focused on helping individuals overcome depression and related disorders by encouraging them to engage in activities that they find meaningful and enjoyable. This approach is based on the theory that reducing the avoidance behaviors and increasing engagement with positive reinforcing activities can significantly improve mood and reduce depressive symptoms. Behavioral activation is grounded in the understanding that depression is often maintained by a cycle of avoidance, inactivity, and withdrawal, leading to a further decline in mood and motivation.