Glossary C

Cross-cultural issues is the acknowledgement that counseling is not working for many clients of color and that clinicians need to be vigilant about having an ever increasing awareness of their own assumptions, values, and biases; an understanding of the worldview of the culturally different client; and the ability to apply adequate intervention strategies when working with culturally different clients

Cross-cultural myths refer to eight myths/attitudes that some clinicians hold that deleteriously affects their work with minority clients. Include: melting pot myth, differing expectations about counseling, not understanding impact of social forces, ethnocentric worldview, ignorance of own racist attitudes and prejudices, not understanding cultural differences in expression of symptomatology, not realizing bias in assessment and research instruments, and being unaware of institutional racism.

Cross-cultural Psychology refers to the branch of psychology that studies and compares the effects of culture on behaviour

Deutsch: Kulturvergleichende Studien / Español: Estudios interculturales / Português: Estudos interculturais / Français: Études interculturelles / Italiano: Studi interculturali

Cross-cultural studies in psychology explore the ways in which culture influences psychological processes, behaviors, and attitudes. This field examines differences and similarities across diverse cultures to understand how cultural contexts shape human thought, emotion, and behavior.

Cross-dressing which is also known as Transvestism is defined as dressing in the clothing of the opposite sex. Transvestism is distinct from both Transsexualism and Homosexuality. In Psychiatry, it can be considered a paraphilia.

- Cross-gender behaviors : - Cross-gender behaviors : Cross-gender behavior refers to behavior stereotypical of the opposite sex.

Cross-generational effect refers to the limit on the generalizability of longitudinal research because the group under study may differ from others in culture and experience.

Cross-generational problem refers to the fact that long-term changes in the environment may limit conclusions of a longitudinal project to that generation of children who were growing up while the study was in progress.