Glossary C

Crossfostering study refers to a method of comparing genetic versus environmental contributions to a disorder by tracking the incidence of disorders in children who are adopted by parents with psychological disorders but whose biological parents are psychologically healthy.

Crossing-over refers to a process in which genetic material is exchanged between pairs of chromosomes during meiosis ; exchange of parts between two (2) chromosomes during replication.

Crossover refers to the transmission of stress between individuals. Crossover occurs when stress or strain experienced by an individual affects the stress or strain of another individual.

Crowd refers to a large, loosely organized, reputationally based peer group made up of individuals and cliques that share similar norms, interests, attitudes and values, or who may or may not spend much time together and who are identified by the activities of the group; a large group that is usually recognized by a few predominant characteristics, such as the "preppies," the "jocks," "yuppies", or the "druggies", etc. Crowd is also defined as a gathering of individuals, usually in a public place, who are present in the same general vicinity and share a common focus.

Crowding refers to a subjective feeling of not having enough space per person or due to the presence of other people.

Crowning refers to the point during labor when the baby's head can be seen at the vaginal orifice.

In the psychology context, cruelty refers to behavior that intentionally causes harm, suffering, or distress to others. It encompasses a range of actions from verbal abuse and emotional manipulation to physical violence and neglect. Psychological perspectives on cruelty often seek to understand the underlying motives, personality traits, and social or environmental factors that contribute to such behaviors. Cruelty can manifest in various settings, including interpersonal relationships, workplaces, and within broader societal contexts.