Construct systems is a term used by Kelly that refers to the collection of personal constructs with which people make predictions about future events.

In psychology, a construct system refers to an individual's organized network of beliefs, attitudes, values, and experiences that guide their understanding of the world and behavior. It is an internal system of knowledge and assumptions that allows people to interpret and make sense of their experiences and make decisions about their actions.

Construct systems can vary from person to person and can be shaped by a wide range of factors, including culture, upbringing, personal experiences, and education. They can also evolve and change over time as people encounter new experiences and information.

Examples of constructs that might be part of an individual's construct system include beliefs about the self, relationships, morality, and the nature of the world. For instance, an individual may hold a belief that hard work leads to success, or that kindness is always the best course of action.

In psychology, the study of construct systems is often used in the context of personality theory, cognitive psychology, and social psychology. It can help researchers better understand how individuals process and interpret information, how they make decisions, and how they develop their sense of self and identity.