Glossary H

Hard core describes explicit, genitally oriented sexual depictions; more explicit than soft core, which displays sexual activity usually without portrayals of genital penetration.
Hard of hearing refers to a term used to describe a degree of hearing loss ranging from mild to profound for which a person usually receives some benefit from amplification. A person who is considered hard of hearing usually participates in society by using their residual hearing with hearing aids, speech reading, and assistive devices to facilitate communication.

Hard problem refers to a philosophical question of why and how any kind of brain activity is associated with consciousness

Hard problem of consciousness refers to the problem of determining how physiological processes, such as ion flow across nerve membranes, cause different perceptual experiences.

Hard sell is defined as an advertising strategy that relies on presenting information about the positive features of a product

Hard techniques is defined as a method of asking the patient to assume an uncomfortable or painful position or touching a patient in a somewhat painful way which may bring about intense emotional responses.

Deutsch: Belastung / Español: Adversidad / Português: Adversidade / Français: Épreuve / Italiano: Avversità

In the psychology context, hardship refers to the experience of significant adversity or suffering that challenges an individual's psychological resilience and coping mechanisms. This can include a wide range of difficult life circumstances such as financial problems, health issues, relationship breakdowns, loss of loved ones, natural disasters, or other traumatic events. Psychological research into hardship focuses on understanding how individuals perceive, react to, and overcome these challenging situations.

Hardy personality refers to a personality style associated with superior stress resistance.