Glossary I

Identification with aggressor refers to a defense mechanism in which the individual identifies with an opponent that he or she cannot master, taking on characteristics of that person. Identification is an ego defense mechanism, postulated by Anna Freud, whereby the fear caused by a person is reduced by adopting the feared person's values.
Identified patient refers to the person who other members of the family identify as having the problem for which treatment is sought.

Identify Theft refers to the criminal act of assuming another person's full identity

Deutsch: Identifizierung von Stellenanforderungen / Español: Identificación de requisitos laborales / Português: Identificação de requisitos de trabalho / Français: Identification des exigences du poste / Italiano: Identificazione dei requisiti lavorativi

Identifying job requirements in the psychology context refers to the process of determining the specific skills, knowledge, abilities, and personal characteristics necessary to perform a job effectively. This process is crucial for various aspects of organizational psychology, including recruitment, selection, training, and performance management. By clearly understanding and defining job requirements, organizations can improve job-person fit, enhance employee satisfaction and performance, and reduce turnover.

Deutsch: Identität / Español: Identidad / Português: Identidade / Français: Identité / Italiano: Identità /

Identity refers to person's self-concept or a person's sense of who he/she is.

Identity achievement is defined as identity status characterizing individuals who have carefully considered identity issues and have made firm commitments to an occupation and ideologies; an identity status that characterizes those who have explored alternatives and have developed commitments.

Deutsch: Identität und Inklusivität / Español: Identidad e inclusividad / Português: Identidade e inclusividade / Français: Identité et inclusivité / Italiano: Identità e inclusività

Identity and inclusivity in the psychology context refer to the acknowledgment and support of diverse identities within individuals and groups, fostering an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and integrated, regardless of their background, characteristics, or experiences. This concept emphasizes the importance of creating spaces—whether in communities, organizations, or societies at large—that embrace diversity in all its forms, including race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, and cultural background.

Identity Conflicts refer to conflicts that develop when a person or group feels that their sense of self (who one is) is threatened or denied legitimacy or respect. Religious, ethnic, and racial conflicts are examples of identity conflicts.