Glossary L

Law of frequency refers to a law of association holding that the more frequently two (2) items occur together, the more strongly they are associated. Law of frequency, in general states that the more often events are experienced together, the stronger they become associated in memory.

Law of good continuation refers to a Gestalt law of perceptual organization that states that points that, when connected, result in straight or smoothly curving lines are seen as belonging together, and that lines tend to be seen in such a way as to follow the smoothest path.
Law of good figure please see Law of Pragnanz

Law of large numbers is a kaw in the field of statistics. This principle that states that the larger the sample size, the more likely it is that values obtained from the sample will be similar to the actual values for the population.

Law of parsimony refers to the assumption that simpler explanations for a phenomenon are generally preferable to more complex explanations.

Law of Pragnanz refers to a Gestalt law of perceptual organization that states that every stimulus pattern is seen in such a way that the resulting structure is as simple as possible. Law of Pragnanz is also called the Law of good figure or the Law of simplicity.

- Law of proximity (Law of nearness) : Law of proximity refers to a Gestalt law of perceptual organization that states that things that are near to each other appear to be grouped together. Law of proximity is also called the Law of nearness.
Law of recency refers to Watson's observation that typically it is the "correct" response that terminates a learning trial and it is this final or most recent response that will be repeated when the organism is next placed in that learning situation.