Glossary L
Glossary L
Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 - 1951) argued that philosophical debates are over the meaning of words rather than over some truth or truths that exist independently of linguistic conventions. Wittgenstein argued, in other words, that philosophical debates are over language games. He also argued that the ancient concept of essence should be replaced by the concept of family resemblance.
Lumbar refers to the lower end of the spine, usually known as the "small of the back", is known as the lumbar spine. It is an area that may be strained or tired when an individual is seated for extended periods. Office chairs, backrests, or back pillows may be designed to provide lumbar support.
Deutsch: Mittagessen / Español: Almuerzo / Português: Almoço / Français: Déjeuner / Italian: Pranzo
Lunch in the psychology context refers to the mid-day meal and its effects on mental and emotional well-being, cognitive performance, and social interactions.
Luteinizing hormone (LH) which is also called "Interstitial cell stimulating hormone" refers to a surge of LH stimulates ovulation in middle of menstrual cycle; LH stimulates testosterone production in men. Luteinizing hormone (LH), moreover, is the anterior pituitary hormone that stimulates the release of an ovum