Glossary L

Left hemisphere is defined as the hemisphere of the brain that controls the right side of the body and for most people is more involved in the language functions, logical inference, and detail analysis.

Deutsch: Rechtsexpertise / English: Legal Expertise / Español: Pericia Legal / Português: Expertise Legal / Français: Expertise Juridique / Italiano: Competenza Legale

Legal expertise in the psychology context refers to the specialized knowledge and skills that psychologists apply within the legal system. Psychologists with legal expertise, often known as forensic psychologists, contribute their understanding of human behavior, mental health, and cognitive processes to legal cases and issues. Their work can encompass a wide range of activities, from assessing the mental state of individuals involved in legal proceedings to providing expert testimony in court. This intersection of psychology and law aims to inform and enhance the legal decision-making process, ensuring that psychological aspects are accurately represented and understood within the judicial system.

Legalism refers to ethics based on the assumption that there are rules for human conduct and that morality consists of knowing the rules and obeying them.

Legality in psychology pertains to the extent to which thoughts, behaviors, or actions conform to established laws, regulations, and ethical principles. It involves assessing the legality of various psychological aspects, including therapeutic practices, research, and the rights of individuals. This article explores the concept of legality in psychology, provides numerous examples to illustrate its relevance, discusses the risks associated with legal issues, examines its application areas in the field, offers recommendations for understanding and addressing legality, and, if applicable, explores historical and legal basics. We will also present sentences demonstrating the use of 'legality' in different grammatical forms and conclude with a list of related terms and a summary.

Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease refers to a temporary condition in children in which the head, or "ball," of the thigh bone, referred to as the femoral head, loses its blood supply. As a result, the "ball" of the thigh bone collapses. The body will absorb the dead tissue and replace the dead bone cells with new bone cells. The new bone cells will eventually reshape the "ball" of the thigh bone. This condition causes the hip joint to become painful and stiff for a period of time.

Understanding Legislation in the Psychology Context: Examples, Recommendations, and Related Concepts

Legislation in the Psychology Context:

In the context of psychology, legislation refers to the body of laws and regulations that govern the practice of psychology, the protection of patients' rights, and the ethical conduct of psychological professionals. Legislation is crucial in ensuring that psychologists provide services in a manner that is safe, ethical, and beneficial to individuals seeking psychological support. This article will explore the role of legislation in psychology, provide examples, offer recommendations, and discuss related concepts.

Legitimate peripheral participation is a term used from sociocultural theory that refers to the idea that children acquire mature, culturally appropriate behaviors simply by observation of skilled members of their community.
Legitimate power is defined as social power based on a person's position as an agent of an accepted social order. Legitimate power is the power that individuals have because of their elected or appointed position; power based on an individual’s socially sanctioned claim to a position or role that gives the occupant the right to require and demand compliance with his/her directives.