Glossary L

Legitimization-of-paltry-favors technique is defined as influence technique in which a requester makes a small amount of aid acceptable

Legitimizing myths are explanations used to justify why people in power deserve to be in power

Leisure is defined as unpaid activities one chooses to engage in because they are personally meaningful; discretionary activity, which includes simple relaxation, activities for enjoyment, creative pursuits, and sensual transccendance.

Leisure listening is defined as the listening style of a person who cares about only interesting information.

Leisure noise refers to noise associated with leisure activities such as listening to music, hunting, and woodworking. Exposure to high levels of Leisure noise for extended periods can cause hearing loss.

Lemma refers to syntactic aspects of word knowledge.

Deutsch: Mildeheitsfehler / Español: Error de benevolencia / Português: Erro de clemência / Français: Erreur de clémence / Italiano: Errore di clemenza /

Leniency error is a type of rating error in which a rater consistently gives all employees high ratings, regardless of their actual levels of performance.

Lens is the transparent focusing element of the eye through which light passes after passing through the cornea and the aqueous humor. The lens’s change in shape to focus at different distances is called accommodation.