Glossary L

Lumbar plexus refers to group of spinal nerves composed of L1 through L4 and some fibers from T12, generally responsible for motor and sensory function of the lower abdomen and the anterior and medial portions of the lower extremity.

Lumbar puncture which is also known as a Spinal tap is defined as a medical technique for collecting a specimen of cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the spinal cord for diagnostic study.

Deutsch: Mittagessen / Español: Almuerzo / Português: Almoço / Français: Déjeuner / Italian: Pranzo

Lunch in the psychology context refers to the mid-day meal and its effects on mental and emotional well-being, cognitive performance, and social interactions.

Luria-Nebraska battery refers to a Neuropsychological test battery that assesses abilities over 11 sub-test groupings. Studies have supported the reliability and diagnostic validity of the battery, which takes less time to administer than the Halstead-Reitan.

Luteinizing hormone (LH) which is also called "Interstitial cell stimulating hormone" refers to a surge of LH stimulates ovulation in middle of menstrual cycle; LH stimulates testosterone production in men. Luteinizing hormone (LH), moreover, is the anterior pituitary hormone that stimulates the release of an ovum

Lychnobite refers to a person who works at night and sleeps during the day. Lychnobite is from the Greek words "lychnos" (lamp) and "bios" (life)
Lymph is tissue fluid that has entered a lymphatic vessel.

Lymph nodes are small nodules of lymphatic tissue spaced throughout the lymphatic system that help clean lymph of debris.