Glossary N

NDEs is the abbreviations of Near-death experiences which refer to the phenomena arising from reports by individuals who have experienced out-of-body experiences or a sense of detachm

Near point refers to the distance at which the lens can no longer accommodate enough to bring close objects into focus. Objects nearer than the near point can be brought into focus on

- Near-death experiences (NDEs) : Near-death experiences refer to the phenomena arising from reports by individuals who have experienced out-of-body experiences or a sense of detachment from their bodies; efforts have been m

Near-infrared spectroscopy refers to a method of brain imaging that measures activity in different regions of the brain by using the degree to which light passes between points on t

Nearing death awareness are communications from dying persons that reflect either (1) special awareness of the imminence of death and efforts to describe what dying is like as it is being experienced by the individual or (2) expressions of final requests about what is needed before the individual can experience a peaceful death

Nearsightedness. Please see Myopia.
Necessary condition is defined as a condition that must be present in order for a specified event to occur.

Necessity in the Psychology Context: Understanding, Examples, Recommendations, and Related Concepts

Necessity is a term often used in psychology to describe the fundamental needs, desires, and requirements that drive human behavior and well-being. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the meaning of necessity in the psychology context, provide numerous examples to illustrate its psychological aspects, offer recommendations for addressing and fulfilling these needs, and discuss related concepts that contribute to a deeper understanding of human necessity.