Glossary N
Glossary N
Need for cognition refers to the motivation to think and analyze. Assessed by agreement with items such as "the notion of thinking abstractly is displeasing to me" and disagreement with items such as "I only think as hard as I have to".
Need for intimacy refers to the dispositional tendency to seek warm, positive relationships with others.
Need for positive regard is a term according to Rogers which refers to the need for positive responses from the relevant people in one's life.
Need for self -actualization refers to the need to fulfill one's potential. Need for self-actualization is the highest need in Maslow's Motivational hierarchy.
Need for treatment refers to legal criterion operationalized as a signed certificate by two (2) physicians stating that a person requires treatment but will not agree to it voluntarily. Need for treatment is formerly a sufficient cause to hospitalize the person involuntarily and force him/her to undergo treatment
Need to affiliate refers to the desire to associate with other people.
Need to belong refers to a motivation to bond with others in relationships that provide ongoing, positive interactions.