Glossary N
Glossary N
Necessity in the Psychology Context: Understanding, Examples, Recommendations, and Related Concepts
Necessity is a term often used in psychology to describe the fundamental needs, desires, and requirements that drive human behavior and well-being. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the meaning of necessity in the psychology context, provide numerous examples to illustrate its psychological aspects, offer recommendations for addressing and fulfilling these needs, and discuss related concepts that contribute to a deeper understanding of human necessity.
Necrosis or Neuronal cell death refers to a direct result of a critical interference with the cellular metabolism of the neuron. In general, a period of 4 to 6 minutes of Anoxia may cause Necrosis.
Need for achievement is a term according to trait theory which is the extent to which a person desires to be successful. Need for achievement is the motive to engage in and succeed at entrepreneurial achievement behavior; the need to achieve, overcome obstacles, excel, and live up to a high standard. Need for achievement (n Ach) is McClelland’s depiction of achievement motivation as a learned motive to compete and to strive for success in situations in which one’s performance can be evaluated against some standard of excellence Please see also Need for achievement (nAch)
Need for achievement (n Ach) refers to McClelland’s depiction of achievement motivation as a learned motive to compete and to strive for success in situations in which one’s performance can be evaluated against some standard of excellence
Need for affiliation refers to the dispositional tendency to seek out others; the extent to which a person desires to be around other people.