Glossary N

Naturalism refers to an approach to field research based on the assumption that an objective social reality exists and can be observed and reported accurately.

In the psychology context, a naturalist approach typically refers to observing and understanding human behavior and mental processes in natural settings, as opposed to controlled laboratory conditions. This perspective values the study of individuals and groups in their real-life environments, capturing the complexity and richness of human experience as it naturally unfolds. Naturalistic observation and methodologies aim to provide insights into human behavior that are ecologically valid and reflective of real-world scenarios.

Naturalist fallacy tis defined as the error of defining what is good in terms of what is observable. For example: What's typical is normal; what's normal is good. According to G. E. Moore, Naturalistic Fallacy, is any argument which attempts to define the good in any terms whatsoever, including naturalistic terms; for Moore, Good is simple and indefinable. Some philosophers, most notably defenders of naturalism, have argued that Moore and others are wrong and that such arguments are not necessarily fallacious.

Naturalistic approach refers to the therapywhich is based on or may take place in the client’s most familiar environments.

Naturalistic environmen refers to a therapy that occurs within an environment that has not been manipulated.

Naturalistic observation refers to the unstructured observation of a child in his/her natural environment.

Deutsch: Natur / Español: Naturaleza / Português: Natureza / Français: Nature / Italiano: Natura /

Nature refers to the physical world around us, including its laws and processes.

Nature refers also to the processes within an organism that guide that organism to develop according to its genetic code.

Nature/nurture refers to the differences between individuals, to wit: by Nature - there are differences in the genes;. by Nurture differences in the environments humans were raised in. Richard Lewontin, a biologist points out that both genetic and environmental factors play a part in the development of human beings.