Glossary O

Outer ear refers to the pinna and the external auditory meatus.

Outer hair cells. Please see Hair cells, outer.

Outer hair cells refers to the part of the rod and cone visual receptors that contain the light-sensitive visual pigment molecules.

Deutsch: Außengruppe / Español: grupo externo / Português: grupo externo / Français: groupe externe / Italiano: gruppo esterno

The outgroup is a group that people perceive as distinctively different from or apart from their ingroup.

In the context of psychology, an outgroup refers to any group with which an individual does not identify. This concept is critical in social psychology, particularly in the study of group dynamics, prejudice, and intergroup relations.

Outgroup "them" refers to a group that people perceive as distinctively different from or apart from their ingroup.

Outgroup homogeneity bias refers to a tendency to underestimate the variability among outgroup members; the assumption that outgroup members are more similar to one another than ingroup members are to one another Outgroup homogeneity bias, moreover, is the perceptual tendency to assume that the members of other groups are very similar to each other, whereas the membership of one’s own group is more heterogeneous.

Outgroup homogeneity effect refers to perception of outgroup members as more similar to one another than are ingroup members.

Outgroup members are people who belong to a different group or category than we do.